Friday, October 1, 2010

Sports Recap 10/1/10


Let's establish something right from the start: There are other talented teams in the league aside from the Miami Heat. The Celtics will still contend in the East, the Bulls are looking stronger, and the Magic always seem to outperform what people think they should because, lets face it, Stan van Gundy looks like a disheveled Michael Moore. Let's not forget that LeTraitor still has to prove himself in the playoffs as well...not to mention the Lake Show on the other side of the country. Kobe is arguably the best in the league, Pau Gasol can take down Chris "I look like a Raptor" Bosh, and Ron Artest can defend the last of the "Miami Heat Elite." Why won't SportsCenter cover any other team...this is getting redundant. But here's to a new upcoming season!


The Reds made the playoffs for the first time in 15 years - congrats to them! (I'm from Ohio - something good had to come to us after LeTraitor left us...). Everyone has been talking Giants v. Padres and Yanks v. Rays. Truth be told, I'm not convinced any of this matters until someone actually takes down the Phillies. For a team that has done so well in the playoffs these past few years, how are they not talked about more!? Anyways, to round out the playoff structure, I say the Giants and Braves round out the NL, while the Rays jump out of their slump to take the AL East (especially after the Yanks struggled in their last outing against the Red Sox - the Sox may be out of the playoffs, but they will take any opportunity to ruin Yankee momentum).


Cleveland and Buffalo have joined the Lions in the ranks of the hopeless. The Chiefs have left those ranks. Ta freakin' da. Jets fans are more obnoxious than ever, and aside from a surprising debacle on behalf of everyone on the Packers who isn't Aaron Rodgers, pretty much order is in place. Give it another 3 weeks and we'll see where everyone is. Too many story lines now to really call out, but in a few weeks most will fall to the wayside (like the Houston Texans being Super Bowl worthy). Stay tuned when something really interesting actually happens, like the Lions winning a 2nd game this year, but actually being given credit for it.


This week in sports brings us the Ryder Cup - the most pretentious of all sports competitions. This makes Wimbeldon look like trailer park badminton. Anyways, the Americans are kicking European butt, I think...? Who decided this absurd scoring system! U.S. dominating in foursome going 2 Up, while Paris Hilton had a threesome with Kevin Federline and Lady Gaga's meat dress while drinking 7 Up. And what a great venue - Wales in October. Flood much? Either way, I look forward to finding any excuse for rooting on my Americans. USA! USA!

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