Wednesday, October 6, 2010

NBA Recap 10/6/10

The NBA preseason has officially begun and the Heat already have to face injury problems. Talk about poetic justice. Nothing would be better than seeing Wade have to face a season ending or straining injury, making LeTraitor have to carry the team by himself. Where have we seen this before!? Expect the Heat to still carry the highest regular season win percentage, then blow it in the playoffs with LeTraitor at the helm. He went to someone else's team because he couldn't win a championship by leading, and now he has to do it again! Don't expect a Heat presence in June....

In other basketball news, the NBA ran some preseason games in London. While the concept itself is good, who in the world wants to watch the Minnesota Timberwolves play basketball!? And considering the Lakers played them without Kobe Bryant contributing at all (3 mins, 0-3 shooting), they might as well have sent the L.A. B-Team Clippers to London. All in all, I see it as a slap in the face to Europeans: We know you're interested in the NBA so we're gonna go ahead and send you our JV squads. Just warming up for your Olympics...

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